The popular TV series “Dexter” is making a comeback with a new sequel series titled “Dexter: Resurrection.” The announcement was made by showrunner Clyde Phillips and the team at San Diego Comic-Con. This new series will continue the story left off by the previous sequel, “Dexter: New Blood,” where the main character had died, leading many fans to believe there wouldn’t be any future sequels. However, audiences will now get the chance to see more of their favorite serial killer brought back to life in “Dexter: Resurrection.”
Michael C. Hall, who has been portraying the titular character since 2006, will be reprising his role in the upcoming series. His surprise appearance at the Comic-Con panel delighted fans even before the news of the new show was revealed. While specific details about “Resurrection” were not disclosed, Phillips hinted that the lead character would somehow be revived in the series.
Alongside the announcement of “Dexter: Resurrection,” the promotion of a prequel series called “Dexter: Original Sin” was also underway. This series will explore the character as a younger man, played by Patrick Gibson, and is set to be released in December 2024. Hall will serve as the narrator for “Original Sin,” providing insights into the inner thoughts of young Dexter. “Dexter: Resurrection” is scheduled to start filming in January for a summer 2025 release.
During the Comic-Con panel, fans were thrilled by the surprise announcement, demonstrating their excitement for the return of the beloved character. Additionally, Christian Slater has joined the cast of “Original Sin” and expressed his enthusiasm for exploring more of the story that the previous series didn’t delve into. Slater praised the writing of the show and the development of Dexter’s character.
“Dexter” originally premiered in 2006 and ran for eight seasons, earning Michael C. Hall five drama actor Emmy nominations. The show quickly became a success for Showtime, attracting a devoted fan base.