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Green Party candidate in Ohio ineligible due to vice presidential switch

Votes cast in Ohio for Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein will not be counted due to a technicality with her running mate. Stein filed to run as an independent presidential candidate in Ohio because the Green Party lost state recognition. Despite this, she will still appear on state ballots. When filing in Ohio, she listed Anita Rios as her running mate, but Rios was only a placeholder until Butch Ware was officially nominated at the Green Party’s national convention on August 17.

However, the Ohio Secretary of State’s office did not allow for Ware’s name to be added to the ballot since the deadline for replacing an independent vice-presidential candidate was August 12. The Green Party’s co-chair noted that the office refused the change, even after Rios withdrew her name in favor of Ware.

The office and Stein’s campaign are reportedly discussing the situation, leaving open the possibility for a resolution that would enable votes for Stein to count in Ohio. In the 2016 election, Stein received 46,271 votes in Ohio, accounting for 0.84% of the statewide vote.

Despite the setback in Ohio, Stein continues her campaign as the Green Party’s candidate for the 2024 presidential election, navigating through the complexities of state regulations. The issue highlights the challenges faced by third-party candidates in securing ballot access and complying with election rules and deadlines.

The controversy surrounding the inclusion of Stein’s votes in Ohio adds another layer to the unique dynamics of the election cycle. As discussions between the Secretary of State’s office and Stein’s campaign unfold, the final resolution and impact on the election results remain uncertain, with potential implications for future third-party candidates navigating similar processes.

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