After following the eight seasons of the beloved series “Game of Thrones,” fans are now presented with a unique opportunity to participate in an auction featuring prized memorabilia from the show. More than 2,000 items, including costumes, props, set pieces, and memorabilia from the iconic HBO series, will be available for bidding in October through Heritage Auctions. Among the items up for grabs are a melted version of the Iron Throne and various other iconic pieces such as Jaime Lannister’s full suit of armor, Jon Snow’s Longclaw sword, and Daenerys Targaryen’s memorable cloaks and coats.
The auction also features more intricate items like prosthetic teeth used for the White Walkers and the Hand of the Queen Pin worn by Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister. Even items with lesser screen time, such as the bell from Cersei Lannister’s walk of shame and bloodstained garments from the infamous Red Wedding, are expected to attract significant attention from fans during the bidding process.
HBO’s senior vice president, Jay Roewe, highlighted the significance of the auction, calling it an opportunity for fans to “grab a piece of history” from a series that has left a lasting impact on popular culture. Roewe emphasized that the items up for auction have been carefully preserved by HBO since the series began, ensuring their quality and authenticity for collectors and fans alike.
The extensive collection of costumes and props required months of collaboration between Heritage Auctions and HBO to curate and organize. Executive vice president of Heritage Auctions, Joe Maddalena, expressed his dedication to including a wide variety of characters’ costumes and props, ensuring that fans and collectors have a comprehensive selection to choose from. The attention to detail in the items, crafted by Emmy-winning costume designer Michele Clapton, adds to the allure of owning a piece of the iconic series.
The auction, set to take place from October 10-12, will provide fans with the opportunity to own a tangible piece of “Game of Thrones” history. The items can be previewed at Heritage Auctions’ locations in New York and London from September 17 to October 4 before the auction commences in Dallas, offering fans the chance to immerse themselves in the world of Westeros once again.
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