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85% of voters now say: Joe Biden is “too old” for the job as President and 67 % say he should step down as candidate

Even as he is improving in the new polls in the race against Donald Trump, a large majority of American voters say Joe Biden should ‘step down’ as a candidate for the Presidency.

An incredibly high 85% of all US citizens say in a new IPSOS-Poll for ABC News that Joe Biden is ‘too old’ to serve as President of the United States for four more years. This marks a dramatic increase of nearly 20% compared to the same poll conducted one year ago in May 2023.

When asked the same question, 60% of all Americans think Donald Trump is too old for the job. His ‘Too old’ rating has also increased by nearly 20% compared to the same poll conducted a year ago.

An incredibly high 85% of all US citizens say in a new IPSOS-Poll for ABC News that Joe Biden is too old to serve as President of the United States for four more years.

Even more strikingly, 67% of all voters say that Joe Biden should ‘step down’ as the Democratic candidate in the presidential race.

The biggest surprise: Even 62% of all registered Democratic voters want Joe Biden to ‘step down’.

However, 46% of all Americans (equivalent to voters for Donald Trump) would still vote for Joe Biden. Additionally, 89% of all Democratic voters would still vote for Biden in a presidential election.

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Herbert Bauernebel

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