Home Politics Live US Live Politics Donald Trump: Why I would end the Ukrainian War in 24 hours

Donald Trump: Why I would end the Ukrainian War in 24 hours

Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited Bucha. April

We live in world which is as dangerous as never before. The danger of a third World War is as realistic as never before. People like Joe Biden are driving us with full speed into this next World War. Because they are political dilletants. Because they are weak, no leaders. The world needs strong leaders again.

The war between Russia and Ucraine should never have happened. And I guarantee you: Under my presidency this terrible war with this many dead people – women, children, old people – would have never happened.

I know president Putin very well. He is a very intelligent politician. He is no warrior – he is a dealer. If you want to have anything from Mister Putin, you have to deal with him – but coming from a strong steady position. Don t be weak with this guy – show him that you are strong.

I also know President Szelensky very well. He is a good guy – but he also needs a strong partner.

So if I would be president the situation would be very easy: On one of the first days of my presidency I would ask both gentlemen in a room. I would say: Let’s stop this massacre, let’s stop this bath of blood with no sense and with no win on each side. Gentlemen, let’s make a deal. Let’s deal for peace instead of war. And nobody gets out of the room before we have a solution for peace.

And I guarantee you with a strong America as mediator we will have a deal for peace in less than 24 hours.

I didn’t have one war in my first presidency from 2016 to 2020. And I will try to have worldwide peace in my next presidency after 2024. Peace in Ucraine, peace in Israel, peace in Yemen.

Let’s make America strong again, and let’s have peace again.




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